Calm & Sleep Tincture 4800mg
$79.00 USD

Finally a THC free product that works wonders for both anxiety and sleep! Check out our newest tinctures - Calm and Sleep. Availble in a 2400 and 4800 mg potencies!
Do I purchase the 2400 mg or 4800 mg potency?
2400 mg potency - For children with ADD or sleep issues or for adults that are sensitive or with smaller body mass.
4800 mg potency - For an adult or someone that has a very high tolerance for substances in general (Anyone that requires an elephant tranquilizer.)
For daytime use (Anxiety/ ADHD): Use 2-3 drops (NOT droppers) under the tongue. Wait 3-40 mins. If relief is not felt, take 2-3 more. Repeat till you feel better.
For night-time Use (Sleep): Start with ¼ of a dropper. If you are still unable to sleep after 60-90 mins take another ¼ of a dropper.The following night adjust dosage to fit your personal needs. Please allow 4-5 hours for rest/sleep after taking your dose of Calm and Sleep.
How do you know if you have your dosing right? If you don't take enough, you may not get enough sleep, feel calm or be well-rested. If you get too much, you may wake up groggy in the morning.