Our Isolate CBD Oil formula has NO THC, so is an ideal choice for anyone who may be drug tested for work or by their pain management doctor.
Our CBD Isolate tincture is formulated using pure crystalline CBD extracted from US-grown hemp plants of the highest quality. This extract is infused into medium chain triglyceride (MCT) coconut oil. It is virtually odorless and tasteless.
For dosing information, please refer to the attached chart below to find the number of milligrams that you would want to start with twice daily. After taking the starting dose for three days, if relief from symptoms is not achieved, increase your dose by 1-2 milligrams each day. When you feel good, stop increasing and continue with the dosage that is working for you. After a period of time, your symptoms may return. This could mean that the dose that you are taking has become too much for you. At this point you need to slowly decrease your dose until relief from symptoms is once again achieved. At this point, you have found your maintenance dose and further adjustments should not be necessary.
Please store your CBD products away from direct sunlight, extreme heat or cold. As it is exposed to sunlight, your tincture may change colors. This is due to the coconut oil base that is used in formulation. This does not mean that the product is contaminated, or is not longer potent. In our own lab testing we have verified that although a tincture has darkened in color, it has only decreased very slightly in potency. However prolonged exposure to extreme conditions can affect the potency of your product.