CBD & EMU Oil bath bomb Coconut Breeze 75mg

$9.00 USD 


Our luxury CBD bath bombs are not only infused with 75 milligrams of Isolate CBD (no THC), they are held together by pure emu oil. The emu oil penetrates deep into the tissue and leaves a silky layer of hydration on the skin and the strong dose of CBD will make you feel calm and relaxed.

We never use dyes in our bath bombs as it stands to reason that your first desire after taking the best CBD bath of your life would NOT be to clean the colorful film off of your bathtub or yourself.

Our bath bombs contain ZERO THC. They will not cause anyone to show positive on a drug screening, get fired, and never be able to afford another CBD bath bomb again.

Tropical blend of strawberries, coconut, and cherry with mid notes of banana peel, berry nectar and the soft fragrances of tropical flowers.

5 (1 Review)
Sara McCormack
I have recommended these bath bombs to anyone and everyone I know that deals with chronic pain. They’ve been a lifesaver on bad days. The scent and soft skin are just the icing on the cake.

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