Mental Clarity & Digestion 2400mg CBD/CBG Tincture

$59.00 USD 

Mental Clarity & Digestion 2400mg  CBD/CBG Tincture
Mental Clarity & Digestion 2400mg  CBD/CBG Tincture
Mental Clarity & Digestion 2400mg  CBD/CBG Tincture
It seems that an increasing number of people are dealing with chronic digestive issues and constant brain fog. Such symptoms can be incredibly disruptive to everyday life and cause immeasurable suffering. When attempting to find relief with over-the-counter remedies, well intended doctors and chemically manufactured prescriptions, many of my friends and family members have been left disappointed, battling some of the same issues for years with no relief.  My own family has dealt with ADD and has found support in these natural compounds.
We are excited to introduce you to our Mental Clarity and Digestion tinctures, containing both CBD and CBG. CBG stands for Cannabigerol, one of many active compounds in the hemp plant. It is well known to help give your body the support it needs to heal your gut and sharpen your mental capacity. It is also helpful for anxiety, pain and mood. In other words, you never know what part of you might start feeling better.
Available in 2400 mg and 4800 mg potencies. The 2400 mg potency has approximately 1 mg of CBD and 1 mg of CBG per drop of oil.  The 4800 mg potency has approximately 2 mg of CBD and 2 mg of CBG per drop. The 1 oz. bottle contains approximately 1200 drops of oil.
The dropper contains markings of .25ml, .5ml, and .75 ml and 1ml.  The oil contained when filling each line of the dropper is approximately 10 drops. The 1 ml. marking is the measurement for 40 drops of oil.
Dosage information: 
For those under 150 lbs. or that are sensitive to supplements in general start with ¼ dropper of the 2400 mg potency. Take it twice daily, approximately 12 hours apart. If you do not notice improvement in your symptoms after 3-4 days, gradually start to increase the amount in the dropper every few days until you get to a dose that is high enough for your body to recognize and you find relief.
For those over 150 lbs. or those that require a higher dose of most supplements or prescriptions. Start with the 4800 mg potency. Take ¼ dropper for the first 3-4 days, gradually start to increase the amount in the dropper every few days until you get to a dose that is high enough for your body to recognize and you find relief.
Safe to be used on people of all ages.  For children start with 2400 mg potency and use 1 drop of oil per 10 lbs. of body weight. For example a 60 lb. child would take 6 drops of the 2400 mg potency twice daily about 12 hours apart.
For any specific questions regarding this product or others please contact us at 469-525-3131. We are eager to help you find the relief you need.
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Mental Clarity & Digestion 2400mg  CBD/CBG Tincture
Mental Clarity & Digestion 2400mg  CBD/CBG Tincture
Mental Clarity & Digestion 2400mg  CBD/CBG Tincture

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